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Engelstalige klanten

Wage tax 2016

Wage withholding tax is an advance tax payment on income tax. Anyone deriving an income from employment in the Netherlands is liable to pay income tax on the income. In addition, employees in the Netherlands are generally covered by social security. The employer...

Value Added Tax (VAT)

The Dutch turnover or value added tax system is based on the European Directive concerning tax on added value. Tax is due the Added Value (VAT or ‘BTW’ in Dutch). This entails that tax is charged at each and every stage of the production chain and in the distribution...

The 30% ruling

Foreign employees who come to work in the Netherlands temporarily qualify for the 30% ruling under certain circumstances. The ruling entails that the employer is entitled to pay the employee a tax-free remuneration to cover the extra costs of their stay in the...

Dutch Labour Law

Dutch labour law is complicated and, in certain respects, differs greatly from other legal systems. In 2015 some major changes have been made in Dutch labour law. Please find in this newsletter an update of the main issues.Trial period  If the duration of a...
